TV Audience Measurement
- Daily Reach
Audience reached by a channel during a day, people who have watched the channel for at least one minute.
- Establishment Survey
A postal survey to study TV-related variables in Finland. Also used to recruit households to the Television audience measurement panel.
- Estimate
Rating (in 1000 viewers) for a minute, spot, break or program. For any blocks lognger than one minute the estimate is the average of minute estimates.
- Frequency
The average number of times that members of a target aurience have been exposed to a campaign.
Gross Rating Point.
- Minute Audience
Audience for one minute, the smallest unit measured in the TAM survey.
- Minutes Per Head
Time of Viewing proportional to the whole population.
- Net Reach
Number of different people reached by a program or a campaign. Can be represented either in thousands or in percents.
- Profile
Target Group's share of total program audience.
- Programme Audience
The average minute audience of a program.
- Rating
Audience proportion of total demographic population.
- Reached Audience
Number of people who have watched the channel for at least one minute. Usually calculated as daily or weekly reach.
- Share
Channel's share of total TV viewing during a program or time interval.
- Target Group
Demographic group being analyzed.
- Timeshift viewing
Live audience = The audience to a minute, commercial, daypart or programme at the time of its transmission.
Vosdal audience = The audience to a minute, commercial, daypart or programme viewed on the same day as live.
Live + Vosdal = Overnight report
Timeshift audience = The playback audience to a PVR recording of a minute, commercial, daypart or programme. The recording must be played back within 7 days of the original transmission to be counted into the ratings.
Consolidated = The consolidated audience is the sum of the live and timeshift audiencies. Final report, official ratings.
Target Rating Point = GRP for a target group.
- TV Audience Measurement
The system for measuring television audiences.
- Universe
The total population as defined by demographic, geographic or other criteria.
- Validation
A telephone interview to validate the panel households' presence button use.
- Weekly Reach
Audience reached by a channel during a week, people who have watched the channel for at least one minute.