Responsibility and Sustainability

Finnpanel's key operational principle is to conduct research sustainably and responsibly.

  • Finnpanel complies with the ISO 20252 quality standard, and our operations are audited annually. The quality management system ensures the quality of our current operations and enables us to develop and improve
  • Finnpanel’s methods and services to meet the needs of our clients and other stakeholders in today’s rapidly changing world.
  • Finnpanel is committed to complying with the EU's GDPR data protection regulation in the processing of personal data, which protects the rights of research respondents. More information on the processing of personal data can be found in the section "Data Protection and Security". Finnpanel’s operations comply with ESOMAR's code of conduct, which includes ethical principles of research activities.  

Finnpanel strives to carry out all its activities sustainably and responsibly:

  • We respect one another at Finnpanel, and we respect our stakeholders’ representatives.
  • We prefer environmentally friendly solutions in our work.
  • We also apply our sustainability principles in selecting subcontractors.

The responsibility and sustainability reports of Finnpanel’s owners: