Share And Reach

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Yearly Average Daily Reach By Channel
Demographic Group:: All 25-44 Years Old
Population:: 1,342,000
KanavaYear 2012Year 2011
Yle TV135 %38 %
Yle TV235 %38 %
Yle Teema12 %14 %
Yle Fem9 %11 %
Yle Total51 %54 %
MTV348 %51 %
Sub30 %31 %
AVA11 %-
MTV Pay TV11 %8 %
MTV Total58 %58 %
Nelonen37 %39 %
Jim22 %22 %
Liv18 %18 %
Nelonen Pay TV3 %3 %
Nelonen Media Total49 %49 %
TV519 %19 %
Kutonen10 %5 %
SBS TV total24 %-
The Discovery Channel3 %4 %
STAR Channel15 %7 %
Music TV4 %4 %
Others11 %14 %
Total72 %72 %

JIM started on Feb 26th, 2007.

Urheilukanava is included in Nelonen Media since Sep 1st, 2007

Urheilu+kanava is included in Nelonen Media since Jun 1st, 2007 and KinoTV since Sep 1st, 2007.

YLE24 was renamed to YLE Extra on Apr 27th, 2007.

This table is also available in CSV format.

Demographic Group
The target group being analyzed.
Population size of the target group in Finland.
Average daily reach (percent)
Percentage of the people in the demographic group that have watch the channel for at least one minute during an average day.

Source: Finnpanel Oy / TV Audience Measurement

Since the beginning of 2008 guest viewing and timeshift viewing are included in the ratings. This must be taken into account when comparing the results to previous years. The latest weekly ratings contain timeshift viewing only during the same day. Monthly and yearly and older weekly ratings contain timeshift viewing during seven days.

Finnpanel Oy produces the TV ratings by the means of panel reasearch. Peoplemeters are installed installed to each TV set of a 1000 household sample (approximately 2100 individuals). The peoplemeters automatically identify the channel and time of viewing. The resuls are reported daily to the subscribers of the survey.